Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A new blog

It has been so long since my last post on this blog. So much has changed in my life. Everything, of course, for His greater honor and glory. I hope to try and post more to this blog so as to continue to inspire others on their walk with Christ.

There will be 4 different types of posts.

1. From notes while at Mass and Homily.

I have been bringing a journal to Mass with me for sometime and taking notes on the readings and Homily. I keep them for myself but I think that others will benefit from what I have learned at Mass each week or when I attend daily Mass. 

2. From notes while at prayer groups.

I have been attending several charismatic prayer groups and I often take notes on the prophesy or scripture that is shared. When I am truly inspired, I will post some of the prophesy or scriptures.

3. Songs or prayers that inspire me.

Sometimes a song or prayer will inspire me and I just have to share it with you and see how you can be inspired, too.

4. Anything inspired by God

If I find something that inspires me, then I will share it here so that it may also inspire you.

One of the biggest changes in the last year was that I got married on April 10, 2010. I have started a new blog called A Marriage Full of Hope about our ups and downs in our marriage and the experiences and lessons learned. Please also follow my new blog http://amarriagefullofhope.blogspot.com/ and see the journey my husband and I have ventured on together.

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