Who am I to doubt the Lord God Almighty? When God has a plan in mind then He makes it happen. If it is His will, then it will be done. We know. We are taught in the words of the Our Father...Thy kingdom come, THY WILL BE DONE on Earth as it is in Heaven. Isn't that just the truth? I am reminded time and time again that through God our Father there is NOTHING that is impossible. If He wills for it to be done, then it will happen. There will be a way for it to happen. He will make it happen. When we are physically not able to do something for someone else, then He will provide another way through someone else. Who are we to doubt that God the Almighty would not make it happen? Every time I doubt God, He just reveals to me that if it is His will then it is going to happen. But time and time again, I doubt our Lord. Who am I to doubt our God Almighty? Should I not have already learned from the past experiences that God can make anything happen? Through Him there is NOTHING that is impossible. We place all our faith and trust in Him and He makes everything happen according to His will. We need to trust in Him always that He is the one to ultimately provide for us. We must try to live according to His will. We must live as He intends for to live. Let His will be done and not ours. It is not by our will or our way that we are here and things happen. It is only by His will and way that we are here. Who are we to doubt? Who are we to question God when things happen? Everything happens by His will and way. It may not happen how we wanted it or planned, but by how He master designed it. We will see in the end that His will and His way was the BEST way for it to happen. His way was the way that it was meant to be. Live out your life according to His will not yours. Pray that His will be done. When I pray the Our Father, I pray intently on the words "Thy will be done" It is a struggle for us. We are human and we give into our needs and wants, but we know it is not about what we want. Pray that we live our lives according to His will.
Let Thy will be done!
On a side note, Thanks be to God for putting JE in the right place at the right time for His will to be done! (which is what inspired this whole blog to begin with!)
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