This was originally written on November 16, 2007 and sent to the sisters who lead Singles for Christ - Orlando. This is my original testimony. I have since edited it some in order to incorporate into an SFC talk (Transformation in Christ) given in June 2008.
Original testimony
I am alive and I had to share it.
I wanted to tell you all how alive I feel these last few days. I feel so alive in the spirit. I feel so in love with Jesus right now. More in love than I have ever felt before. More in love than I have felt with anyone even another human being whether it is family or a boyfriend/relationship. I think it started the weekend Juve and Tina invited me to their house. I felt loved and accepted. I felt God's love working through Juve and Tina to me. God showed me love through their friendship. Ever since then, I've been feeling alive and I am filled with the spirit. The last 3 or 4 days has been even better. I've never felt this alive. Not just alive in the spirit, but alive with life. I can feel myself breathing in life with every breath that I take. It's amazing. My life has turned around. I went to a talk tonight at Holy Family Church and the priest who spoke really made me think. He was talking about the signs of the Second Coming of Jesus. One of them was the anti-Christ. It scared me because I know that when I was feeling angry and upset, the Devil/Satan was whispering in my ear that God was a punishing God. God was a cruel God. God had brought all this pain in my life. God was an angry God. God had done all these bad things to me. I know now that God didn't make them happen because He's an angry God or a punishing God or even a hateful God. He's truly a loving God and He brought me the rain so that I can the wonders of His works. He has done amazing things in my life. He has given me a new life. I was truly on the edge of the cliff so far away from God. And now my eyes are forward and I can see God standing in front of me. I have a long way to go before I reach the end, but I am closer and I know that with each day that I grow more in love with Jesus the closer I am to the finish. I have turned around 180 degrees and I'm now facing God and He's reaching out to me and I'm walking closer and closer. I've been in Catholic groups before. I've led prayer groups and Bible studies. I've led retreats and given talks on my life experiences. I've had strong faith before, but NOTHING like what I feel now. I feel the power of God working through me. It's in the way that I talk. In the way that I act. It is in every breath I take. I am consumed by God's love and it's amazing.
I am truly grateful to SFC for inspiring me to build up my faith in God. I can see and feel God working in my life. More than I ever have before.
Life is good, I'm alive, and I'm in love -- in love with Jesus.
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